Further to the corruptly laid charge of Breaching a Protection Order, the charge which the Masterton police prosecutor was forced to admit had been "laid by mistake", and "should never have been laid." The charge that Constable Paul Dallinger corruptly instigated in the full knowledge that his actions were unlawful and totally corrupt.
Here's Constable Paul Dallinger's handiwork, in collaboration with James Laurence Cowley, who lied to police in 1996, telling them he had custody of our daughter and that she lived with him, when the truth was that he had denied paternity until she was ten years old in order to avoid paying child support, and then lied over the years and evaded the incompetent staff of CYFS, Social Welfare, etc, to ensure that he didn't pay a cent of child support in 13 years, then in 1996 he blatantly lied to police, saying "I have custody, Lily lives with me and is being held against her will" - total and utter LIES - on the basis of these lies police officer MARK NAPIER and a couple of other officers conspired with unqualified social worker DEBORAH HOUSTON of CYFS for the second time in four years to take my thirteen year old much loved daughter unlawfully from a really good home, and deliver her into the hands of her sick, deluded, dishonest abusers James and Maria Cowley - after the same social worker and police officer had been soundly reprimanded by a Judge the first time they'd done it four years earlier on the basis of equally incorrect information. - James and Maria Cowley didn't even want her, they sent her to live with Open Home Foundation "caregivers" - government funded child molesters! - RICHARD and LORRAINE in Nelson, Richard then sexually molested her, she went on to have an ectopic pregnancy, change her name five times, get massive tattoos all over her body and have two children who have both been removed from her 'care', as a direct result of the abuse dished out by CYFS, James and Maria Cowley and Joy Cowley, and the good old New Zealand Police, Open Home etc! Here's the sort of "information sharing" they specialise in - James Cowley knew perfectly well that he didn't have custody, or guardianship, or even access! She'd never lived with him in her life apart from the two weeks or so when he left her home alone, and in the "care" of any Tom Dick and Harry in 1992 - James Cowley should have been charged with lying to police for this - fears for her safety indeed - it's an orchestrated litany of lies:

Sgt Mark Napier of the Hastings police wrote a statement saying that he regretted his actions and would have acted differently if he had the chance to respond again to Cowley's lies.
Cowley couldn't even be bothered going to the FGC in 1996 and wrote a letter stating that he had to put his own financial interests first, revealing that he had never paid child support and didn't even know how our daughters name is spelled. The letter also reveals a lot about his own psychological state and contains a number of lies. He had insisted we all travel down to Wellington for this meeting, then at the last minute he swanned off overseas on a movie saying he had to put his financial welfare before our daughter's welfare - he can't even spell her name - this letter is an utter insult to our daughter and her whole family!:

So, 15 years later, Cowley is still manipulating police and perverting the course of justice. Here's the latest pathetic, despicable efforts from him and Constable Paul Dallinger of Carterton. Out of the blue I received a series of emails FROM James Cowley - not to him, FROM him. Abusing me for writing about him on the internet and demanding I edit my websites. In the interests of natural justice I declined, whereupon he enlisted corrupt and psychotic constable Paul Dallinger to charge me with breaching a protection order he managed to get for no reason other than his hysterical imagination over twenty five years ago, after I've never contacted him in more than twenty five years and certainly have no desire to see him or hear from him again, just because he doesn't like my website - my response is that there are judicial remedies for his problem and if he doesn't like what's on my website he should (a) not look at it, or (b) sue me. Constable Dallinger should be charged with deliberately misleading the Court for this utter codswallop! He knows perfectly well that Cowley initiated the communication with me on each and every occasion! This whole prosecution is CORRUPT! Where it says "Circumstances" in the document below Constable Dallinger is deliberately leaving out the bit about how Cowley sent me the emails in the first plaee!!! On 30 August 2010 I received emails from James and Maria Cowley, including the following details "Maria Cowley > 64 Selman Road, Dairy Flat, RD4 Albany > Auckland > New Zealand > Tel: 64 9 427 5360 > Mob: 64 21 422 275 > Email: maria@cowleyfilms.com" and containing rude imperious demands - from the person who told police, the Court and CYPS and anyone else who will listen his LIES he's now got the cheek to object when I publish the TRUTH - unbelievable!:
Below is a Justice Ministry pamphlet which says that the existence of a protectionorder DOES NOT preclude a person's attendance at a family group conference, it is an "EXCEPTION" to the Order. I showed this to CYFs staff in Napier, where I was when they rang and told me they'd changed their minds, they laughed at me, told me get out, and called the police. The outcome of the FGC was tragic, like the outcome of CYPS original involvement with my daughter. The FGC was a joke! My daughter's father and stepmother are selfish, evil liars!
Here's the comment James Cowley made about this post:
Abused Victim says: "Ok, times up bag lady. I don't really care what you say here about me, nobody gives a shit. What pisses me off are your emails to our daughter you sick pathetic child abuser.Go to jail, do not pass go and do not collect any child welfare.you are a loser and the sooner you face up to that the better for you. Now fuck off."
He obviously hasn't changed, what a dork.
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