Regarding the matter referred to at this link, regarding the recent admission by the police that they should never have charged me with "contravening a protection order" in the first place, and the charge had been laid "by mistake". Below are the whinging whinings of James Lawrence Cowley, regarding the "official complaint" from him, which amounts to perjury, because it is untrue and deliberately intended to mislead.
All this "under control" and "deal with things" rubbish! I published the information ages ago, my daughter contacted him because the facts are indisputable and totally contradict what he told her. He should just admit the truth, this is pathetic. This is a pack of lies, there was nothing "vitriolic" about my emails, he instigated the emails in the first place, with threats and abuse. If you want to see 'vitriolic', read the comment James Cowley makes (under the pseudonym "Abused Victim"!) at this link.
I received about 30 threatening emails from James Cowley and Maria Cowley. Unlike the Cowley's, I am not the sort of person who wastes the time of the police and the Courts applying for a Protection Order just because of a few pathetic emails. As his statement says, James Cowley emailed me, not the other way round, which was a stupid thing to do. He, and his partner, Maria, emailed me repeatedly, and made threatening and aggressive comments and statements to me, not the other way around.
All the evidence of this exists, which is why police didn't want to release the disclosure, etc. There was no need for any Protection Order in the first place as Cowley and the police know perfectly well. He should just admit that he never paid child support until after Lily was removed by police, and admit that the only reason that outrageous injustice happened was because he deliberately lied to police, telling them he had custody, as evidenced by the police report below. I put up the evidence of the facts, not fanciful untruths.
I never did anything to warrant a Protection Order application being made in the first place, I didn't attempt to contact James or Maria Cowley before or after it was granted. It was simply applied for by James and Maria to try and prevent me contacting our daughter, not because of any behaviour of mine, but as a form of psychological abuse. Here's evidence of that point, and below it is the other evidence recently obtained by Court order, from the totally discredited Wairarapa police:
This is just a witch hunt! Dallinger should do what he's paid to do, not waste days, weeks, months getting a corruptly obtained Court Order or Warrant or whatever to read through all my emails and text messages - which is what has been done, according to the information received so far.
Here's further evidence that James Cowley denied paternity until Lily was ten years old, had certainly never paid child support before then, and has a major mental disorder:

Note that in the two emails, written a day apart, he calls our daughter Lilly (sic) in one, and Aja in the other. I don't know how many times we've told him it's Lily, L-I-L-Y.
The letter to the FGC is just classic isn't it? "I can't be bothered coming to this meeting but I demand that you all discuss this and that! "Like why my name isn't on the birth certificate" - because you could never be bothered having anything to do with either Lily or I and had denied paternity and lied to the Social Welfare Department, etc. James was working as a film cameraman, earning around $2500 a day on top of all expenses. His partner Maria Saunders was earning a similar amount, he paid nothing toward the upbringing of our daughter.
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